Thursday, March 17, 2011


the other day when i checked out books from the library for my psychology paper, the stamp that says when it's due, in three weeks... was dated april 4th. i leave april 10th... i freaked out. first of all, cause i only have 3 weeks to do this huge paper! and secondly because 6 days after those books are due, i'm leaving.
i only have 23 days left in hawaii.

how did this happen?
i feel like i just got back to the island. for a large portion of this semester i have just been wanting to be home... but as of a couple days ago, it really hit me that i'm leaving. leaving and i don't know when i'm coming back. yeah, i'm sad. this place has become such a part of me, and i'm so grateful for all the people i've met and the things i've learned here.

good thing i quit my job, cause for the next 3 weeks i'm about to
L I V E . I T . U P .


  1. I'm almost going to miss Hawaii FOR you and all those gorgeous pictures of yours that I live vicariously through - soak up every last minute of that tropical sun!

  2. You have no idea how hard it was to say goodbye to you... :( You shall be missed dearly!
