Tuesday, March 16, 2010

oh, life.

my life is crazy and stressful and unpredictable and amazing. yep, all rolled into one. i have been learning this semester that things DON'T work out as planned. and that's a problem for me, cause i'm a big planner. i love planning. i do it all the time. way too often. heck, i even want to be an event coordinator for a living. so when something i've planned for my life turns out, well, completely different than i'd planned it, i tend to stress out.

this semester there's been about 3 or 4 major changes, and a ton of little ones, but i'll spare you the details. just know that it's been weird. but so so good. everything that hasn't worked out my way has turned out great all the same. this experiences are helping me learn to trust my Heavenly Father. He really knows what to do with my life better than i think i do. it's been a great comfort to me, seeing His hand in my life as He guides my decisions and circumstances. yes, i still stress. and i think way way too much. (unfortunately for my roommate, it's not just thinking, it's rambling on and on to her about my crazy life, almost nightly... i don't know why she puts up with me)... but at the end of the day, i know that God loves me and He will make things work out for me.

a scripture that i love (from the book of mormon):
"and i have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind, yea, and in all manner of afflictions; yea, God has delivered me from prison, and from bonds, and from death; yea, and i do put my trust in him, and he will still deliver me."
- alma 36:27

i love this scripture so much because i have a testimony that it is true! i see it happen in my life literally every day. there are so many little things that just should not work out for me, but they do. like getting to school right on time even if i'm stuck in a ton of traffic. like having enough energy to make it through all my classes even when i'm up way too late the night before. and literally hundreds of little tender mercies every day. i KNOW God loves me. and i know that because i do my best to do what is right, He blesses me! it's a wonderful little exchange we've got goin. ;)

school, of course, is a significant chunk of my stress. but i'm finding that although i'm so excited to be home for the summer, i also don't want the school year to end as quickly as i'm sure it will. in five weeks from today, i will be done with all my finals. and be ready for summer. it's so exciting, but truly bitter-sweet. i miss all my friends back home but i don't know what i'll do without my roommates :( i never thought i could live with three girls and see them every day and not get tired of them. i am an only child, after all, and i've never had to share a room or a bathroom or anything. also, when i'm around one person for too long i almost always get sick of them and need my space. but i've come to love these girls so much in the short time i've been here. i'm going to be so lonely this summer in my own room with my big bed. i'll take a twin bed and a shared room anyday, to be able to chat with britany WAY too late every night. we literally do not know how to go to sleep. we fail. but i love it.

well, it's not quite time for the "end-of-the-school-year-wrapup" yet. but thoughts of my life these days definitely include school and my roommates, so there ya go.

life's nuts. but it's so, so good. :)


  1. Trust is an incredible thing. Lately when I do plan, things don't happen. They fall through. It doesn't work for one reason or another. My mom jokes that apparently my plan, is not God's plan. So hang on tight and just go for the ride. It will end up how it is meant to be!

  2. You are a great girl - and you know how to listen to the still small voice. I have no doubt that you will follow the plan the Lord has in store for you. Hang in there girl for those finals coming up! You can do it! Luv ya!!!
