Monday, October 18, 2010

decisions, decisions.

there are currently far too many options for what i'm going to do with the next year of my life.
here they are.

for spring:
-stay in hawaii
-go to chicago with my mom
-go to provo

for summer:
-go on a study abroad (i've applied, just haven't heard back yet)
-work at home
-be in provo working
-be an efy counselor

for fall:
-go back to hawaii
-go back to provo
-go on my mission

here's the conclusions i've come to thus far (plans ARE subject to change):

for spring:
go to provo and take classes. i'll be able to go home for 2 weeks between winter semester here in hawaii and spring in provo, seeing as i'll be done in hawaii april 8th and spring session in provo doesn't start til april 26th.

for summer: stay in provo, working.
or, if i get into my study abroad, i'd have to be back in provo by july 8th-ish and i could go home for a week or two to visit after spring session and before my study abroad. which i will probably do seeing as i'll need to bring my car back home (and i'll miss my family)!

for fall: go on my mission!
i've wanted to serve a mission for 2 years now, and i could actually leave next september!! i'd have 2 months to be home between getting back from my study abroad and the time i want to leave for my mission, in october.

so, this is the plan for now. the only problem is my parents don't entirely support my decision to be in provo all spring and summer... which is tough financially, as well as emotionally for me.
regardless, i'm at the point in my life where i need to start making decisions for myself.

so this is what i think i'll be doing with my next year. what do you think, any advice or ideas??


  1. yay! PROVO PROVO PROVO!!! Then you'll only be 45 min away from me! We can play all the time!!! Thats my vote! And I think you will be the greatest sister missionary on earth!

  2. In attempt to not be selfish and tell you to come advice would be to take the options that allow you to finish school and make/save money the easiest. If that means going to school & working at the same time, great. If that means living at home for free and making money you can save toward your mission (which I think is a great idea) and finishing your education, great. Hawaii is beautiful but flying to and fro is really expensive. But definitely remember to focus on what matters most. Review Elder Uchtdorf's talk from conference...I just did it last night and it was very helpful.
