Friday, October 22, 2010

"you change your mind like a girl changes clothes."

yeah, katy, i know.

in the past two weeks, i've changed my mind more than my ten roommates do in a day. BUT i'm pretty sure i've got the next year figured out. yes, i know i thought i had it figured out a week ago, but, looking at things more logically has caused me to change my mind.

i really wanted to go to provo for spring/summer. it sounded like a great idea. but i made a pros/cons list of both options... and being home has waayy more pros... i'm guaranteed two jobs, i'd live at home for free, eat for free, AND get to start on my mission papers in april. i'd also have the opportunity to be an efy counselor. if i went to provo for spring/summer, i'd get a couple more psychology classes in, and have a blast living up there, but i'm not guaranteed a job and i'd be paying for half of my tuition, books, my rent, and my food. and i wouldn't start my mission papers til mid-august and i want to leave in october so that's not going to work. also, my mom is going on a trip to chicago for her 60th birthday at the beginning of may. if i was in school, i wouldn't be able to go with her so that will be another good thing about being home!

i just found out today that i got accepted to the mediterranean business study abroad with byu!!!!! we'll be going to italy, greece, turkey, and egypt for about a month this summer!
i'm SO excited!

so, new plan...
home mid-april, work, go to chicago, mission papers, maybe efy, study abroad, then mission in october.

thanks everyone for the advice and for listening to my insanity! :)


  1. Sounds like you figured it out, girl! Way to go!

  2. oh my goodness! TAKE ME WITH YOU! that sounds incredible! I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
