Thursday, February 24, 2011

what women REALLY mean.

so yesterday in my psychology class, we were talking about emotions and we did a little group exercise: "when women use these words/phrases/non-verbal statements, what do they mean? write down your interpretations of them."
these are my/the class's/the teacher's responses.

1. "fine." if this is in response to the question "how are you?" it means she is not fine. if this is what is said at the end of a disagreement, it means "i'm right, you're wrong, and i'm done talking about this."

2. "five minutes." if the woman is getting ready, it means 30 minutes. the only time this actually means 5 minutes is if the man is watching the game and she needs his help doing something.

3. "nothing." when in response to "what's wrong?" it means something, but you're gonna have to ask me a few more times before i tell you. arguments that begin with "nothing" usually end with "fine."

4. "go ahead." this is a dare. not permission.

5. a loud sigh. usually accompanied by an eye roll, it means you're an idiot/ i don't have time for this.

6. "that's okay." the woman wants to think long and hard before deciding how you're gonna pay for your mistake.

7. "thanks." the woman is thanking you. don't ask questions, just say "you're welcome."

8. "whatever." i'm really annoyed and i don't want to talk about this anymore.

9. "don't worry about it. i got it." this is usually said when the woman has asked the man multiple times to do something, and she has finally given up and done it herself. by the time the man asks if he can help, she has remembered that if she wants something done right, she'll do it herself.

i got a kick out of this. it is just so true! makes me feel really bad for the guys out there... we say one thing but mean something totally different. and not only that, but we expect them to know what we really mean. it's really not fair, but it's how we are. good luck boys!


  1. Wouldn't it be so much more convenient if they could just read our minds? ;)

  2. Bout time a woman recognizes this. SO TRUE! Women expect men to know that they say one thing, yet mean something else. Glad you finally see that. ;)

  3. Of one my favorite lines from P.S. I Love You is when she says, "Wanna know our secret? We have no idea what we want!" I love this post!

  4. this is great! ...but you forgot one.
    10. "I don't know" I do know but I don't want to say it.
    Poor boys. :)
